Uses tab delimited element data in the form of BED4 or BED12 files to create GRanges element objects

ElementsToRanges(..., element_names = NULL, custom_cols = NULL,
  custom_mcols = NULL)



Any number of tab delimited element data files in BED4 or BED12 format


A character vector of names for the element datasets (optional)


An integer indicating the number of extra columns in the BED file.


An integer or vector of integers indicating which columns are used for metadata (optional)


An ElementRanges class object: list of GRanges element data objects


# Load enhancer and promoter elements into an ElementRanges object enhancers <- system.file("extdata/elements", "enhancers.bed", package = "LoopRig", mustWork = TRUE) promoters <- system.file("extdata/elements", "promoters.bed", package = "LoopRig", mustWork = TRUE) element_ranges <- ElementsToRanges(enhancers, promoters, element_names = c("enhancers", "promoters"), custom_cols = 1, custom_mcols = 4) element_ranges
#> $enhancers #> GRanges object with 1000 ranges and 1 metadata column: #> seqnames ranges strand | mcols #> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> #> [1] chr2 48752479-48807772 * | E573 #> [2] chrX 9000916-9002368 * | E1383 #> [3] chr4 84406018-84406908 * | E6724 #> [4] chr15 90773255-90784140 * | E3155 #> [5] chr1 112525348-112535556 * | E8752 #> ... ... ... ... . ... #> [996] chr12 50781274-50836617 * | E9077 #> [997] chr6 150067458-150068014 * | E1642 #> [998] chr17 34263213-34274392 * | E6285 #> [999] chr3 192954838-192959007 * | E5603 #> [1000] chr1 204432559-204468852 * | E281 #> ------- #> seqinfo: 25 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths #> #> $promoters #> GRanges object with 1000 ranges and 1 metadata column: #> seqnames ranges strand | mcols #> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> #> [1] chr2 48752479-48807772 * | STON1-GTF2A1L #> [2] chrX 9000916-9002368 * | FAM9B #> [3] chr4 84406018-84406908 * | FAM175A #> [4] chr15 90773255-90784140 * | GDPGP1 #> [5] chr1 112525348-112535556 * | KCND3 #> ... ... ... ... . ... #> [996] chr12 50781274-50836617 * | LARP4 #> [997] chr6 150067458-150068014 * | NUP43 #> [998] chr17 34263213-34274392 * | LYZL6 #> [999] chr3 192954838-192959007 * | HRASLS #> [1000] chr1 204432559-204468852 * | PIK3C2B #> ------- #> seqinfo: 25 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "ElementRanges"